t all began in December, 2009 when the little house was purchased and preparations were made to move it to the new owners’ property just up the road.

A storage shed was needed and this looked like it had the good potential to house bikes, tools and other such stuff.

The building was known to be one of the older structures on the island so if you happened to love old buildings, this was a perfect fit. 

Little did anyone know what lay beneath the rotted weatherboard and clinging vines.

The logs were a surprise - what was this? Then other details began to show themselves. 

With the help of architectural historians from The Virginia Department of Historic Resources and The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, including Carl Lounsbury, Jeff Klee and Mark Wenger (architect for the house), log smith Timothy Robinson, historical mason William Payne, carpenters David Bundick and Chris Klump, archaeologist Stephen Bilicki, historic paint conservator Susan Buck...the house revealed it’s true self. 

Who would have guessed that this rare and significant piece of architecture was just there waiting to be discovered. 

It is still an evolving story....


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